Legal Data


Vereinigte Papierwarenfabriken GmbH
Industriestrasse 6
D-91555 Feuchtwangen

Tel +49 (0) 9852 901-0
Fax +49 (0) 9852 901-174

Executive Management

Simon Schulte-Rentrop
Susanne Müller
Clemens von Beckedorff

Registry Entry

Court: Amtsgericht München
Number: HRB 1099

VAT Identification Number

DE 129489716

Responsible for the Content according to § 10 Absatz 3 MDStV

Susanne Müller

Exclusion of liability

Vereinigte Papierwarenfabriken GmbH prepared the content of these Web pages with great care. However, all content is solely for preliminary general information and is not meant to replace a consultation prior to a buying decision. The technical characteristics and equipment of the described products are examples only. Such characteristics and equipment can vary and may be country-specific. We reserve the right to make changes at any time.

Vereinigte Papierwarenfabriken GmbH does not guarantee that the information on these pages is current, correct, or complete, nor does it guarantee unimpeded access to these pages at all times. If we have links on our pages to other Web sites, Vereinigte Papierwarenfabriken GmbH does not accept any responsibility for the content of these sites. As soon as you click on the link, you will be leaving the area of Vereinigte Papierwarenfabriken GmbH. It is therefore possible that offers made by third parties may be subject to different regulations, including by not limited to data protection. Furthermore, Vereinigte Papierwarenfabriken GmbH excludes any liability for services, including but not limited to downloads of files, which have been made available by Vereinigte Papierwarenfabriken GmbH on its own Web site, with regard to negligent breaches of duty, insofar as these do not entail any material obligations or injuries to life, health, and limb, or claims pursuant to the Product Liability Act. The same applies for any breaches of duty by our vicarious agents.

© Copyright 2024

All rights reserved. All texts, pictures, and any and all other works published on this Web site-unless otherwise noted-are subject to copyright by Vereinigte Papierwarenfabriken GmbH, Feuchtwangen, and other protective laws. The content of this Web site may not be copied, disseminated, changed, or made available to third parties.

Stericlin®, arofol®, docucare®, docufix®, printbag®, toptwist®, topcraft®, VhentPeel®, arofair® and VP are registered trademarks and the property of Vereinigte Papierwarenfabriken GmbH.